It has been a long time since WE had an opportunity to show you a press kit, but thanks to friends at PC Guru now WE can make a new post from the freshly released PS3 exclusive title, the Sorcery. It comes in a nice-looking paper box with a wooden chest effect, which is surrounded by a canvas bag style element. The specialty of the package is that it can be opened to both sides showing two different containers.

The first one holds the game and asset disc, where you can also notice a small sheet of paper telling us that the pack is hiding some secrets. The second part of the box includes a small book showing some screens from the game itself. In a hidden shelf you can find the Charter of Magical Elements (containing ingredients, spells, and enemies) together with a transparent paper. If you lay this over page 4 in the note book you can read a tip about how the ice troll can be killed. Last piece of the Sorcery Press Kit is in an interesting item, which shows all ingredients and spells from the game.

Published by: SONY
Region: global
Release date: (EU) 23-MAY-2012, (US) 22-MAY-2012
Release price: N/A
Platform:PlayStation 3

Contents: Game disc, Media disc, Paper sheets, Booklet, Description of spells and ingredients.

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