Until now Limbo was only available as a downloadable game, but fortunately it will get a Special Edition release. As spotted on German Amazon, the package will contain the game’s DRM-free version (for PC and Mac), an additional Steam key, soundtrack, 3D glasses, art cards, and a sticker. All these things packed in a nice box will be available on 15th March, 2012 for €14.99.
Limbo Special Edition for Germany
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Támogatja a 3D-t?
Én is meglepődtem, de ezek szerint úgy néz ki, hogy igen.
Limbo settings.txt-ben az utolsó sor 🙂
# To enable 3D anaglyph press “Shift + 3 + D” in-game. Take a guess on how to change it back to normal 2D #